
Comments by Commenter

  • admin

    • [comments received by email from Lorna C.]

      • Remember to expand all acronyms first time they are used, e.g. ICT, OEF, etc
      • Suggest using gender neutral “they” rather than “s/he” which is a bit clumsy.
      • 1.2 paras 11 & 12  Only two examples provided here rather than three.
      • 1.3 para 4 “Several of these movements have somehow “contaminated” the education community both in terms of research on learning and teaching…” Contaminated is rather odd term to use in this context. 
      • Activity 1.3 There are a few typos here.  Also be careful about use of the term repository as it has different meanings in different contexts. 
      • Module 1 Further Reading The Jisc OER Report is very old now and I’m not sure it reflects current thinking.  Might be useful to cite a more recent report.
    • [comments received by email from Lorna C.]

      • 2.2 para 2 “Creative Commons licenses may apply to all types of works (scientific or not).” – Creative Commons was originally designed for sharing creative works. 
      • 2.2 para 4 ODbL is not a CC licence.  Might be useful to add list of CC licences from most to least open here.
      • 2.2 para 15 & 16 Worth explaining the difference between CC0 and Pubic domain https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/
    • Thanks for pointing that out, now edited!

    • [comment received by email]

      I’m finding it really useful: one minor tweak. Section 3.3 para 7, first bullet point looks like there is a word missing: “What are subject(s) would you like to focus your remix?”

      Dr Martin L.P.

    • Comment on a) About this course on September 12, 2017

      This is the link to the feedback received by email from Neil Butcher (OER Africa) on August 11, 2017:


      (thanks for that Neil!)

  • Eleonora Bassi

  • Isidro

  • Janice Jones

  • Jos Beelen

    • I was wondering if it is possible to say something about the level of this module. The learning outcomes, in my opinion, should say something about this. As it is they are rather general and therefore it is difficult to say whether this is at beginner’s or at a more advanced level.
      ‘Effectively interact in an intercultural learning community’ for example sounds more like a programme learning outcome than a module learning outcome. I don’t know if you can use ‘intercultural’ in this way.
      In learning outcome 2, should it not be all communication, not just intercultural?

      I think ‘local’ may be omitted. Is the local context necessarily multi-cultural?


    • contribution > role?

      proper > local?

      Proper I think conveys a value and comes across as very British to me

    • reusing > adapting, localising?

  • Katherine Wimpeny

    • Comment on Credits on June 14, 2017

      [A learning journey to open up Teaching in Higher Education]

      I think it should read “A learning journey opening up Teaching in Higher Education”

  • Martin Poulter

  • Rasha Elshinety

    • Comment on Credits on August 13, 2017

      Still prefer education rather than teaching

Source: https://coursecomments.openmedproject.eu/wp/comments-by-commenter/