
Module 5: Open Educational Practices


1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 Producing, using and re-using OER, apart from being useful in ethical and efficiency terms, has the potential to change the way you teach in your daily work. OER can, in fact, represent the first step towards the adoption of open and networked teaching methodologies, improving students’ engagement, participation and motivation.

Module 5 VIDEO (pre-production) – ENGLISH

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Module 5 VIDEO (pre-production) – ARABIC

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Learning outcomes

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  • Explain the concept of the Open Educational Practices
  • Plan your own open educational practices in your course design and development
  • Practice using social and online collaborative learning tools
  • Plan your own open assessment approaches in your course design and development
  • Understand the concept of open badges
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Source: https://coursecomments.openmedproject.eu/wp/m5-open-educational-practices/